Artist who can't write; writer who can't draw.
I aspire to be able to design cool characters. I also aspire to make friends over my artwork. Too bad those aren't happening


Joined on 10/12/21

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Hello! I've always been pretty stagnant with my uploads to this site, but I feel the need to address why I haven't been super active recently. I don't like super negative or personal posts, but I believe it's important for my followers to know.

I don't want to go into too much detail, but with some recent changes to my home life, working on my projects has become impossible. I'm stuck in a situation where at any day I might end up living on the streets, and there's pretty much nothing I can do except hope that I have shelter for the winter. This started around 2 months ago, and I've held off from talking about this publicly until now, but things haven't gotten better, so this is probably going to be a long term issue. Don't expect anything for a looooooooong while (possibly upwards of a year!)

While I wont be making content, I'll still be lurking in the forums and voting whenever I can. Who knows, maybe I'll even post a little!

Anyways, here are some projects that are on indefinite hiatus because of my unfortunate situation:

  1. "Viva Hexagon! All-Stars", an enhanced release of my game, including a better tutorial (thank god), more characters, and a short singleplayer campaign.
  2. "Super Goose World" (not final name), a Super Mario World romhack featuring an old character of mine, who can be seen at the top of this collection of sketches. (The one with the green nose!)
  3. A currently non-public sandbox game I've been working on, which I may share some concept art for soon.
  4. Over a dozen art pieces (some of which wouldn't even be topical anymore, such as Mario Kart fanart for the new DLC.)
  5. A Discord server, because I'm lonely :(

On the bright side, these are things to look forward to whenever I'm able to return to making content! Or not, I might not have any interest in these projects! Who knows!?!

If you read this far, thanks for caring! I'll let you in on a little secret. Contradictory to everything I just said, I MIGHT upload one last batch of art pieces before winter kicks in. No promises, but there's some stuff I definitely want to get off my chest before my situation goes from bad to worse.


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